The Perks and Pitfalls of HOAs

If you’re coming from a housing situation without an HOA to one that does, the adjustment can take a little getting used to. Things like forgetting to bring your trash cans in or leaving out your hang-dried laundry will warrant a call from the HOA. On the other hand, there are many great parts to belonging to an HOA — maintenance-free living and an aesthetically pleasing place that always looks good.


The Pointe in Cheyenne is an HOA community with a Village Square in which neighbors and friends can meet up, celebrate, and build community together. Enjoy the outdoors and breathe in fresh Wyoming air with over 60 acres of nearby open space. The Point in Cheyenne is a place to set down roots and join a community that you can call home. If HOAs evoke something in you, read today’s post and better understand the perks and pitfalls.


HOA Opportunities


HOAs can be hard to become accustomed to, and below are what some tend to see as HOA pitfalls.


Fees – People understand HOA fees but in some communities, they can be as high as $600, which on top of a mortgage, can be unaffordable.


Added fees – This is also in contention because homeowners are already paying a fee, so paying an additional fee to get something repaired can seem extreme.


Increased conflict – An HOA not operating maturely can result in many disputes of the ”he said/ she said” variety. People can argue about  the rules and complain that so and so aren’t following them.


Routine maintenance – Maintenance-free living draws many to the community, but there can often be work going on constantly. The community may always have something going on, which is an issue for some.


HOA Perks


Beautiful neighborhoods – HOAs keep everyone on the same page of expectations, which in turn, results in beautiful, well-kept neighborhoods. You won’t have the one or two homes that are an eyesore who can’t keep up with their landscaping or have trash and junk littered around their yard.


Higher standards – The expectations of an HOA keep the quality of living at a higher standard, which results in better-looking communities and safer neighborhoods.


A built-in mediator – If there are any disputes with neighbors, an HOA is willing and able to address it. Because there are consequences for breaking rules, usually the disputes stay at a minimum.


Amazing amenities – Yes, you do pay an HOA fee for the facilities in your community, but they really are outstanding. It’s wonderful to have parks, trails, and a pool within walking distance — and they’re very well maintained.


Pest control – If you’ve ever had issues with stray animals or raccoon foraging through your trash, you know what an inconvenience they can be. HOAs strive to eliminate pests in and around the neighborhood.


As with any issue, there are always two sides to consider, and HOAs are no different. You simply have to decide if an HOA is right for you and if you are able to live within the rules and regulations.  

For more information on what the HOA looks like in the Point community, reach out and connect with us today.